People often assume, upon hearing that I'm going to med school, that I majored in the sciences "or something like that." I've been met with looks ranging from surprised pleasure to confused disdain after telling them that I did, in fact, major in English.
This blog stems out of that fact.
I majored in English, and while I start medical school soon (read: in approximately 1 week) I fear that my major will be, as so many people have said, irrelevant. While the specific focus/major of a person attending med school doesn't matter (only that they've completed the necessary pre-reqs), I don't want my English degree to be meaningless. As most people who know me can attest, I love to read. Perhaps to a level of obsession. I also love to write and just seem to love the English language in general. I don't want this passion/obsession to fall by the wayside while I plunge (or drown) headfirst into the murky sea of medicine. (Ignore the fact that the above explanation implies something the wayside...of a sea...that people swim in?)
The point is:
I want to write and think about language. To not lose what I've given so much time to thus far. So, I will attempt (for now) to chronicle my thoughts and experiences as a medical student here. I cannot promise you anything except that this blog will inevitably contain some pretty strange writings, and I assure you that my holding an English degree does not mean I will write well. Enjoy.
I will look forward to seeing more of your writings. I'm kinda thinking your just trying to up your sister on the You were definetly on the money about your obsession for reading. Good Job son.
Well, glad the question has finally been solved. Look forward to reading.
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