I can assure you all that a giant sigh of relief and a weekend of nothing medical followed my completion of I2. Now that Inflammation and Immunity is slowly rotting, dead in the cold cold ground, we're moving on to a more meat-and-potatoes-esque med school module.
That's right, after 8 weeks of straight science, 4 weeks of genetics and cancer, and 4 weeks of I2, or as I like to call it: 16-weeks-of-occasionally-interesting-but-typically-dreadful-information-on-tiny-molecular/cellular-changes-in-your body (it rolls off the tongue), we're finally digging into an 8 weeks module that will be tiny molecular/cellular changes sprinkled with gross anatomy!
The holiday season splits this module right down the middle, with cardiology falling sooner and pulmonary falling later. The truly exciting part? (Note: I say exciting now and reserve the right to change it to ridiculous once we begin) We start cadaver lab when we get back in January! Woo!
So, in honor of our new module, I shall post one of the many slides we were told to memorize today. Get pumped!
Hah! Get it? Pumped...
Until next time.
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