Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Firm Declaration

Thankfully, I can now declare with absolute certainty that I have passed my first module of medical school. Do I know what my final grade will be? No. That can still change depending on how the retake test goes on Friday. (We take each test twice. Two exams, Same material. Highest score stays). But I do know that I will be continuing onward and that's a nice feeling to have. (Let me be real- I'd be continuing forward regardless, but I know that I won't be making up this module in the summer).

When I try to proverbially step back and examine my situation and what the module has been like, it's an interesting picture. Simultaneously it seems as though we've just started and yet been here forever. I can't believe we're already done with EIGHT WEEKS, but then again, it feels like we've covered 8 months worth of material. Who knows the best way to describe it? I sure don't.

The only thing I know is that this tricky thing called medical school is starting to feel more and more like normal for me, and I think that's a good thing. Will I feel this way in 2 weeks, when we're half way through our Genetics and Neoplasia (Gen/Neo) module? Probably not. In fact, I can almost guarantee you that I won't, but that's okay. I know that 2 weeks after that, post Gen/Neo and pre-I2 (Inflammation and Immunity), things will probably be alright.

Until next time.


Tyler Harnett said...

nice job! I'll be calling you soon about my genetic issues.

Kevin Meyer said...

Yeah, me too... And I would appreciate some solid answers.

Good luck on module two!

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