Friday, September 11, 2009

Am I Ready For Some Football?

One of the most rewarding aspects of my life as a medical student thus far (aside from the known wonders that are my wife, family and current friends) has to be the relationships and friendships that have begun to flourish. Proximity and shared evils (or struggles if you want a synonym) will inevitably cause the fellows of my class to bond and gain an understanding of one another that typically never develops in daily life. On top of even this, occasionally something will come along to unite a population to a new level. Such a circumstance has presented itself to us. That event?


A.k.a., the gridiron where the 1st year students (M1s) will boldly triumph over their second year oppressors (M2s).

In a few hours, the two classes will meet on the grass battlefield for two games of "flag" football: one men's game, one women's game. Throughout the day, via email and with the cunning use of YouTube videos, trash has been electronically talked and the School of Medicine now has 350 very rowdy and excited students on their hands.

While the outcome of the game technically remains unknown (come on, the M1s will dominate), the fun of anticipation has likely made it worthwhile for all those involved. Having this game to look forward to helps remind all the students that we can still have fun and not study every waking hour. Plus, a bunch of money is being raised for Harversters through ticket sales.

I leave you with one image and two links to better summarize the coming clash.

M2 Trash Talk

M1 Honesty

A taste of what's to come:
Until next time.


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