Monday, April 19, 2010

A Return to Form?

With the point of this blog being to keep me writing, it would probably be more effective if I actually wrote something once in a while instead of posting comics.

I'm rather taken aback by the fact that it's almost the end of April. I cannot believe that the school year is nearly finished. No small amount of disbelief hits me when I ponder the fact that I'm almost a quarter of the way through my medical education. Well, let me clarify: I'm a quarter of the way to being a doctor; I'm nowhere near close to even remotely thinking about the end of my medical education. I'll probably finish my schooling when Winston, my faithful and inquisitive T-Rex, finally stops questioning every aspect of the world.
Read: Never. His curiosity is insatiable!

Side-Note Medical Reminder: Ladies- do a self breast exam once a month. Fellas- same goes for you with your testes. Seriously. I'm not kidding.

At this point I would like to remind all of my faithful readers that medicine can be gross and you should consider yourself warned. The following isn't a detailed description of a random medical procedure or graphic photo, just my musings on the poor word choice by those in medicine. Examples are, however, given.

The terms that people in medicine use to describe different aspects of things that can go wrong with your body disturb me sometimes. In addition to using food-words such as caseating (from the latin caseus meaning cheese) to paint the delicious image of dead and decaying body tissue onto the blank canvas of your imagination, the particular description that currently gives me the creepies is- wait for it - "like a bag of worms." This line of text would be where I normally delve into all of the medical details none of you find particularly interesting. Instead, I think a more fitting option is to simply let that phrase- like a bag of worms- float around, wafting in the air while you silently shudder and try to imagine what it could be used to describe.

(If you really must know, it describes the widening and dilation of veins that run from a man's testis- aka Varicocele. Not awful or really even that disturbing. It was just more fun to portray it that way.)

Until next time.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Beginning of the End of the Beginning

This just might be the current feeling. Or at least the one that seems to crop up right at the end of any breaks.

(Click for better view)


Until next time.